Species: Polyrhachis Dives (Golden Poly Ants)
Description: Workers size 6-7mm, Queen SIze 9-10mm.
Status: Founding Colony
Condition: 5-10 Workers, 1 Queen Founding colony
Current Setup: Test Tube 20mm x 150mm and 25 x 150mm
Most of the Polyrhachis species are arboreal meaning they live on trees or plants. The nest usually is weave with leaves and held together with silk. This species has a beautiful shiny black color. Personally, this Polyrhachis is really an undemanding species to keep and is great for beginners and amateurs alike. Polyrhachis Dives is a beautiful ant. There is a golden hair color around the gaster. When light is shine on them, you can clearly see the golden glow. They love sugar water. Fast breeding, good climbers, and does not sting.
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